Enuma Korea Inc

Enuma Korea Inc (에누마코리아)

Company Type
Academic Systems
Education software
Korea, Republic of > Seoul-si > Seongdong-gu

Enuma® (formerly LocoMotive Labs) creates engaging learning solutions that empower all the world’s children, including those with special needs or without access to resources. Our team is made up of experienced designers, developers and educators who are dedicated to creating exceptional learning apps that allow children to gain confidence and independence while building foundational skills. 

[Related websites]

1. Company website: https://www.enuma.com/aboutUs

2. Todo English: https://english.todoschool.com

3. Interview_ Winner of the Global Learning XPRIZE, Enuma CEO LEE Soo-inn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVfbFenSz7o

4. Interview_테슬라 CEO가 건 현상금 50억의 주인: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BECyWP-op9M




Company Type

South Korea, Seoul, Seongdong-gu, Seongsu 1(il)-ga 1(il)-dong, Ttukseom-ro 1na-gil HEYGROUND 5F, 5 Lineable

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