Incheon English Village

Incheon English Village

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Korea, Republic of > Incheon-si > Seo-gu


About Us

Hello, this is Incheon English Village (ICEV) operated and managed by LOY Education Foundation. ICEV is promoted and supervised by Incheon Metropolitan City Government.




Below you will find a comprehensive description of the various programs that we run here at Incheon English Village (ICEV), as well as a breakdown of the weekly schedule and the sort of tasks and activities that would be expected of you as a teacher in our school. 

Please read the following, and come to the interview prepared with any questions you would like clarified. We will be more than happy to provide in depth answers to anything you would like to know, we simply feel it will be beneficial for you to approach the interview with a more comprehensive understanding of the position.

Incheon English Village is made up of three separate programs; Main Program, Saturday Program, and Special Programs. As an ICEV teacher you will be teaching in all three programs, however, each one works a bit differently.

Main Program

Just as the name implies, the Main Program is what makes up the majority of the ICEV schedule. It is an overnight camp program with a focus on fun, hands-on, English education.


-  Around 200 elementary school students from 4th - 6th grade arrive on Monday morning. They will stay on campus for 4 nights and 5 days and will leave on Friday afternoon. Then on the following Monday, a new group of students will arrive and the whole process starts again.

-  The students will take a variety of lessons throughout the day. Each lesson is 50 minutes long, with a 10-minute break period between lessons. They will also be given three meals throughout the day.

-  Your working schedule is from 9 am-6 pm Monday-Friday or from 12 pm-9 pm one day a week.

-  Teachers are always given a free lunch every day in the cafeteria, but you will not get breakfast or dinner, as those meals occur outside your working hours.

-  The students are placed into groups of 24 called ‘Job Classes’. The ‘Job Classes’ are things like Chef, Movie Star, or Scientist. The students will spend 2 hours a day participating in their ‘Job Classes’, which are always made up of a lecture based lesson followed by a fun activity based on the lesson.

-  The rest of the time the students will be participating in what are called ‘Life Experience Classes’. These are lessons that are shared across all job classes, so every student takes them at some point throughout the week. These are lessons like Airport, P.E., and Hotel. The lessons are all meant to teach general English expressions and common useful experiences and they are made up of a short lecture followed by a fun activity.

-  As an ICEV Teacher you will be partnered with a Korean co-teacher. Together you will be responsible for designing and teaching the curriculum for a specific Job Class each week. For example, if you are the Chef Teacher, you will teach the Chef students for 2 hours each day. 

-  Everyone shares responsibility for the Life Experience lessons, so the rest of your weekly schedule will be divided up teaching various Life Experience lessons to the other students.


Example Main Program Schedule

















Department Store

Group Activity


Saturday Programs

In addition to working in the main program during the weekdays, every ICEV teacher also teaches in what is called a Saturday Program. In the Saturday program, you will be assigned to teach the same class of students a set curriculum every week. It is a much more traditional education system in which you will get to watch your students grow and develop over a long period of time, as opposed to the main program which has you teaching brand new students each week.

Saturday program classes are all offline, and the class sizes vary from 5-15 students.

There are a total of three Saturday programs, and each one is different from the others. They each cater to different types of students, and follow a unique curriculum. We assess the strengths and weaknesses of each of our teachers during their training period and will do our best to place them in the program where we feel they will most excel.

On Saturdays your working schedule will be from 9am-6pm.

The three programs are:

Eco: a kindergarten program that focuses on teaching English basics like learning the alphabet, English colors, and reading simple phonics.

- The students are aged 4-6 year olds.
- You will be assigned a Korean coteacher, and two Eco classes, for example 5 year olds and six year olds.


While you are teaching a lesson to one class, your coteacher will be with the other class. After 40 minutes you will switch. 

The lessons are a mixture of basic ESL lessons, as well as cooking, crafting, and PE lessons. 
This program has an emphasis on high energy, creativity, and fun.

KITE: An elementary program that is made up of three major segments. ESL lessons in the morning, science readings and experiments in the afternoon, and fun ‘group activities’ like crafts and cooking at the end.

-    The students are in grades from 1st-6th grade.
-    You will be assigned a Korean coteacher, and two KITE classes, for example 1st grade and 3rd grade. While you are teaching a lesson to one class, your coteacher will be with the other class. After 35 minutes you will switch.
-    The ESL lessons are taught using three textbooks. A Reading book, a Listening book, and a Speaking book.
-    The science activities are given a theme each week. The students read an article about that theme and then perform an experiment/activity related to the theme. For example, they will read an article about volcanoes, and then perform an experiment by making a baking soda volcano. 

Edible: an elementary school program that is made up of a US elementary school’s curriculum. The students study from American textbooks, and learn various subjects like English, speech, debate, history, and grammar.
-    The students are all required to speak exclusively in English for the duration of the day.
-    The program offers a more structured curriculum than most other academies in Korea, and it caters to students with exceptional English language skills.
-    Other aspects of the program include activities like crafts, science experiments, and PE. 
-    There are also special events like an annual spelling bee.
-    The Edible program also offers an ‘overnight camp’ once a month. This will be a monthly event in which the students stay from 9am-9pm on Saturday, and then come back on Sunday from 9am-4pm. These camps consist of a variety of fun activities and projects that the students participate in. 
-    During overnight camp weekends Edible teachers are compensated with an additional vacation day during the week in exchange for working on the Sunday.

Every teacher is given preparation time during the week to prepare for their upcoming Saturday program each week.

Special Programs.


These programs are all taught evenly by every teacher in ICEV.

A.    CID-Creative. Innovative. Development. - is a program that caters to all age groups. Individual groups such as schools, academies, churches, and even adults sign up for activity-based experiences on the ICEV campus. These programs usually range from a couple of hours to a full day in length. The lessons are always different depending on the group that is registered.

B.    Global- students from around the world participate in a structured ESL curriculum for a week or longer. This program usually includes field trips, special textbooks, and specially designed lessons. 
-    This program mostly runs in the summer. During this, we have multiple groups of Russian elementary and High school students participate in a special ‘Global Camp’.
-    Students from other countries come sporadically throughout the year. These are countries like China, Japan, Vietnam, and Thailand.

C.    Summer and Winter Camp- Twice a year Korean students stay for an extended period of time. They participate in a specialized structured curriculum, complete with their own unique books and lessons. This is the busiest time of the year, but also the most fun for the teachers.


 Additional information

1.    Vacation

A.    There are three weeklong periods of paid vacation- Chuseok, Seollal, and the first week of March. 
B.    Employees are also granted additional days of paid vacation per contract, to be used at the employee’s digression.
C.     If we have to work on a National Holiday, we will be given a substitute vacation day within the next two weeks.


2.    Housing 

A.    You will be given a one room in the Hiveras apartment complex with a bathroom, kitchen area, fridge, and washing machine.
B.    Everyone lives close together so the potential to socialize is high. 
C.    There are restaurants, dept. stores, train station, etc. nearby
D.    A bus will pick you up and drop you off directly to and from work.




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Incheon English Village Hiring ESL Teachers

1. Role and Responsibilities As a teacher at Incheon English Village you will be an ESL teacher that leads English activities for students. Students will come for one-day classes, regular classes or for group classes from elementary schools to experience English through activities. You will follow a set curriculum and lesson plans, but also have the freedom to incorporate your own learning materials to increase student engagement in the classroom. Whether it's your first year teaching or you're an experienced teacher, Incheon English Village provides you with teacher support and training. You will be responsible for the following: • Actively engage students in the learning process. • Plan and use appropriate instructional and learning strategies, activities, materials, and equipment that reflect an understanding of the learning styles and needs of students. • Recognize the needs of individual students and the entire group. • Offer support and flexibility as needed. • Utilize technology to strengthen the teaching/learning process. • Participate in professional development activities that are aligned with the assigned curriculum and the varied needs of students 2. Candidate Qualifications • Native English Speaker • Have a minimum of a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution • Holds or is eligible for the E-2 visa with USA, CAN, UK, AUS, NZ, IRE, or SA citizenship • Hold an F visa with USA, CAN, UK, AUS, NZ, IRE, or SA citizenship • Apostilled Diploma and Criminal Background Check • Must be physically and mentally healthy. 3. Working Conditions • Student Type: Elementary School (Mostly), Middle School, High School • Working Hours: Monday - Friday or Monday - Saturday, 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. *Teachers may have to work 2-3 Sundays per year during vacation camp times. • Class Time: 45 minutes per class with 5 minute break period between lessons. (Teachers move around from class to class) • Class Size: Average 10-15 students per class. For the vacation camps, up to 30 students per class. Korean co-teacher will be assigned depending on the number of students. ` • Lunch: Provided free of charge at the cafeteria. • Curriculum: Curriculum and lesson plans provided. PPT is provided for classes. Teachers may change class content or even develop teaching materials/textbooks. • Teacher Training: Provided (2 day basic training. If teachers want more training, the institution will provide the additional training) • Teaching Staff: 10 Native English Teachers (including part-time teachers), 5 Korean Teachers

Korea, Republic of > Incheon-si > Seo-gu

Incheon English Village, Incheon Seogu Wondangdaero 976

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