Wesley Language School

Wesley Language School

Company Type
Korea, Republic of > Gyeonggi-do > Bucheon-si

Accurate class assignment for your level

Wesley's education does not depend on age or grade. Wesley most accurately evaluates the current level of students by subdividing them into four areas: Listening, Reading, Speaking, and Writing. Based on the results of this test, we will also assign students to 19 levels of detail to provide the best level of training.


Everyone is fluent

English is a language. Therefore, the process of sensibly understanding and practicing "Sound" must be done first. With this thought, we hold the Oral Test, Wesley's unique English presentation competition every year. You should train expression, pronunciation, eye contact, and movement, not just a speaking contest, but a presentation skill used in practice. The process of self-preparing itself can significantly improve your skills. Now, experience the amazing presentation skills that convince the public.


The most efficient educational environment

 The semester system is operated every six months to provide the most suitable and efficient educational environment for students. To ensure the most effective education, we continuously monitor students' skills and adjust their levels according to their changing skills. Limiting a class to a maximum of eight students is Wesley's principle to provide the most efficient education.


Company Type

SECO Plaza 5F, 486 Gyeongin-ro, Sosa-gu, Bucheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea

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